When considering the best time, plan around your business hours to save money. Either move after hours or during the weekend to optimize your business operations, ease of the move and the cost.
The right moving company will be able to provide you with the necessary moving equipment and packing supplies to protect your inventory during the move. We use special crates, carts and when necessary customized crate for specific items. We also use thick moving blankets to wrap and protect your goods during the move.
If you are moving into storage or to a different state, we will use moving stickers and inventory lists to document your entire inventory. Each sticker carries a lot number (for your job) and a number from 1-200. Each item will be labeled and documented on the inventory list according to the sticker number. If you move locally, we will provide you with moving labels. Larger than the moving stickers, there is more room to mark on each label the type of inventory or the person in charge of each item and the location the item will be placed in the new location.
Contact two to three moving companies to provide binding moving estimates and then choose a company according to a few elements: availability, price, fees, company record ,customer referrals .
After choosing a mover or moving company, request to buy boxes from them, most of the moving companies will provide you with a box delivery service.
We provide partial and full packing service to meet the needs and budget of our clients. Please meet with our moving consultant to determine the packing services to meet your needs.
Short and long-term storage is provided for any size moves. Our storage facilities are secure and safe. The facilities are water and fire proof, climate controlled and have an alarm system.
We move to all points in the US, and special arrangement will be made before the move to meet your schedule. We provide standard deliveries (within 15 business days from the day of the pick up) and express delivery’s (next day to three days from the time of the pick up). The price for each delivery service is based upon the size of the move, the distance and the necessary delivery time period.
We provide moving services 7 days a week and 24 hours a day to ensure your business’ optimum operations.
Yes, please see our valuation page.
Are you in search of an experienced moving company to assist you in your upcoming relocation? Give us a call to have your goods moved.
As a private, family owned business with over 20 years experience in the field.
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